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  • Doors to the facility open 30min prior to the first class of the day and close 15min after the last

  • Be respectful in all areas of the building, cleaning up after yourself, and notifying the office immediately of any issues

  • Please keep guests to a minimum - 1 per dancer (2 if necessary), drop is available for all ages.


  • The waiting room should remain quiet while dancers are in class; running around the facility, climbing furniture, and gymnastics is not permitted 

  • Parents are responsible for watching their children including siblings while inside our facility, not the Office Staff. They must stay with you at all times and should have something to do to keep them busy seated. Toriography reserves the right to ask disruptive siblings to remain out of the building. 

  • Dancers with several classes in a row may stay between, however they must have something to focus on quietly (ie. homework, book, etc) 

  • Parents/guests are not permitted to enter the classroom or stand in the doorway to watch 



  • All students are expected to be on time + ready at the start of class. Proper warmup is necessary and repeated late entry is disruptive to the learning environment. Only enroll in a class you can arrive at least 10min prior to prepare. Dancers that are late more than twice will no longer be permitted to attend. (This is strictly enforced)

  • Faculty members will not be approached before or after class to discuss parent/student issues. Please see the office for general questions or email the Studio Owner for guidance -

  • Toriography does not permit filming of students during class 

  • Proper behavior as well as student-student and student-teacher respect is expected at all times. Instructors reserve the right to remove a student from the classroom who is distracting, unable to follow direction, or harmful to other dancers

  • Note-the studio does recognize and celebrate holidays (this includes decorating our facility & playing festive music in the classroom)


  • If inclement weather is forecasted a decision will be made 1 hour prior to the first class of the day (it is not always based on the school system)

  • Families will be notified via email + social media (not posted on TV) 

  • If Instructor is ill, a Sub or Assistant will fill in. If no replacement is available and class must be cancelled, students will be notified by email and a makeup class will be offered.


  • Dancers that are exhibiting symptoms of illness should remain home, an email to prior is always appreciated​

  • The studio must be notified of any injuries that affect their ability to dance (including breaks, sprains, fractures of any body part). A doctor's note is required if they will/will not be able to participate and any restrictions. Another note is required when they are released to fully resume.



  • Toriography has a uniform/dress code followed by all dancers, you can find the Children's Dress next to each style here and 7+ classes here

  • Dancers that come to class unprepared will be given a notice / second occurrence will be unable to participate in class until prepared

  • All dancers should bring a labeled water bottle to class every week


  • Toriography reserves the right to remove any student/family from our program if they are unable to follow policies or disrupt the healthy studio environment

  • The studio actively uses and posts photos/videos of our students on our social media platforms, by enrolling you are aware of this practice. If you do not want your dancer featured, you must reach out to notify us.

  • The studio does not permit the use of our name or logo in creating merchandise (ie. bags, apparel, gifts) by vinyl/cricket or custom designed items for personal use or group distribution. Attempting to create or sell items with our logo or name will result in copyright/legal action.

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